The error rate in the investing business is very high if each time something goes wrong we zoom in to get lessons, many times we are going down rabbit holes that are not productive. The Holy Grail of investing is to own a business with favorable economics, bought at a reasonable price and held for a very long time, with some good growth engines. Most humans have an aversion to cloning 2-3% have quirky wiring and are aggressive about cloning, and 95-97% don't care about it - when they identify something interesting that someone else is doing, they believe the opportunity is over.
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What he has learned from getting to know Charlie Munger See the Glog Free Download The Dhandho Investor: The Low-Risk Value Method to High Returns Full Online: text, images, music, video Glogster EDU. The concept of 100 baggers and how mindset plays a crucial role in investing The investing lessons learned from the dotcom boom and bust

Examples of cloners among the biggest companies in the world Why there are not many cloners in the worlds of investment and business How Mohnish discovered Warren Buffett and decided to clone his approach to investing Mohnish’s family background and what he learned about business from his parents He describes what being a cloner means and how he thinks about investing, how he learns from others and how he changed his mind about business, investing, COVID and many other things. Mohnish plays bridge with Charlie Munger, and he's a shameless cloner.

He was featured in William Green's recent book "Richer, Wiser, Happier," which William discussed in one of the previous episodes of this podcast. Mohnish is the Founder and Managing Partner of Pabrai Investment Funds and the author of "The Dhandho Investor," which is just as useful if you're interested in learning about investing as it is for entrepreneurs. My guest in this episode is Mohnish Pabrai, who I first met at the Berkshire Hathaway AGM in 2014 in Omaha, Nebraska.